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I know that we can’t bring those days back to life but if it’s true and if possible then I would like to die and reborn to live my childhood again.

I don’t know if this is a stupid thing but I am totally concerned to what I am talking about. Those days weren’t perfect but just were happy and were fun. I didn’t know what was stress back then. I wasn’t worried about the future nor I cared about anything but just enjoyed every single day with my friends and respected every decision of my parents.

One evening while returning from work I had stopped by my senior’s home regarding some office work. His son seemed to be an age around of 8 watching a cartoon on their Smart LED TV. The cartoon was none other but one of my favourites I used to watch as a kid. Doraemon’s theme song played on the tv as he was watching I caught the rhythm and I don’t know why but I started having goosebumps. I went home but the theme song of the cartoon had already hit my mind and I felt like to listening it to again. So I checked it out on youtube and just played it. I felt nostalgic. I remember the memories of childhood had just flashed away in my mind. I listened to it a few more times. I even recalled other cartoons that I used to love and played their theme songs. I closed my eyes while listening to them and whoa! The best memories of childhood started coming over into my mind. For the five minutes, my eyes remained closed and I let nostalgia flow in. Childhood. How much I missed it. I had a sudden urge to go back to those days and live it again. But the question to myself was how? I told this to mom. At first, mom was astonished at my stupid thought but eventually to my strong will she suggested and advised me “it’s impossible to go back to childhood my love, but as you’re wanting to enjoy that time again why don’t you go and spend some time with your granny back in the town!”


What a fabulous idea! I thanked mom and called my grandpa who still lives there with my granny in a small town that I used to go during school vacation as a kid. Grandpa sounded cheerful when I told him that I was coming there over the weekend to spend some time with them. Granny was eagerly waiting for me with my favourite sweet desserts. They both seemed joyous as after a long time I was going there to meet them. I felt blessed. It was the last weekday and there was an extra day off we had got in the form of national holiday as on the day right after the weekend. But the thing was that I didn’t know that the friends I used to play with would still be there. I called grandpa again and asked him about the friends’ whereabouts that I used to play with and he said all of them have moved far away to different cities. And at last, I asked him about the girl next door we both used to watch cartoons together. Grandpa said that her family still lives there but she has moved to another city for her further studies. I did know that we were friends on facebook but had never tried to message each other. I asked Grandpa for her contact details and he couldn’t resist but teased me. Finally, after getting her phone number from her parents he gave it to me. I called Jenisha and introduced myself as she couldn’t recognize me at first and laughed at my silly thought of going back to the childhood days. But she agreed with me later and finally said she will be there over the weekend.


I was feeling euphoric to go to granny’s home as I was going there after almost half a decade. I hadn’t felt that kind of ecstasy any before in last six months since I had gone for the night out with besties. The next morning I got up early in excitement and geared up the car and had reached the town within the time that the internet had revealed. We hugged and he patted my back when I was going to touch Grandpa’s feet bowing down as to be an inheritance. He got me inside the home and I could smell Granny preparing for a delicious sweet dish for me. Granny has reached 68 and is still a queen of cooking, unwavering at keeping all her home stuff glittering. She was contented to see me after such a long time and kissed my cheek then. I felt blissful and divine. After a delicious lunch and a marvellous sweet dessert, we talked for an hour or more so. Grandpa brought me to see some of childhood pictures of mine. I hadn’t remembered the moments captured by him but both Grandpa and Granny revised me the memories back of the time I had spent here at their home. Surprisingly, I had trouble recalling back some of the moments but surely the most beautiful thing is I was smiling looking at those childhood photos.


The next day when Jenisha arrived we both startled to see each other and I couldn’t resist but compliment her that how gorgeous she looks. We talked for hours while sitting on our twenty years old but still steady large metal swing. We recalled old memories and laughed a lot at our own moments. The things to talk about our childhood were seemed ceaseless and at last, we decided to watch the cartoons that we used to watch together. She had brought Tiger biscuits along with her that we used to eat and here Granny served us a hot chocolate milkshake as she used to serve while we watched cartoons. We missed the old television on which we used to watch cartoons but found ourselves to be have compromised with it later. While watching each of the favourite cartoons we ate biscuits and enjoyed the chocolate milkshake. I wish I could call it a heaven or something. But I swear I had cried even watching the funniest cartoon. And that I strongly feel the tears were dedicated to those memorable childhood days. Jenisha got emotional watching me being sentimental. We spent another day like that watching cartoons visiting our favourite garden and eating our favourite candies. The greatest thing about two days was that we weren’t even worried about the future. The next day it was hard to leave the place but I promised granny and grandpa to come back on the upcoming holidays. While leaving, we both Jenisha and me promised each other to get here once in a year to recall the childhood memories and to feel close to those days again.


Image Courtesy: Google and Pinterest. Except for the last one.

Any suggestions would sure make it better. Thank you.

7 thoughts on “Nostalgia

  1. I was fortunate to experience childhood ‘twice’, as my brother was so much younger than me. I seem to know toys, books and tv from the early 70s right through to the mid-90s, seen through different eyes. I guess, a bit like a grandparent does.

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