
1st Anniversary of the Blog

Hey guys! It’s the first anniversary of my blog. I have managed to complete one year with all your love and support. On this special occasion, I would like to thank all my followers and followings who inspire me to keep going on writing stories that stay within my heart. This is indeed a great thing for me as this blog is what matters to me the most in life and I am always grateful to you for reading my stories and reviewing them according to the best resolution. There’s always something valuable and content I find in your posts that I think drives me within to stay connected with you. Dear friends, Thank you so much for helping me throughout this journey and I don’t think without your support, I would have reached this stage. I genuinely feel happy to have this blog. Happy to have such gem of people in the world of blog. Thanks and Regards. Smeet Feels Infinite.

I sincerely thank Rachna Chawla, my mentor and the founder of Scripto, for inspiring and helping me all the way to kick-off this blog.

At this moment, I would like to share my top three blogs, on which I have received all the cheers and love from you which I think is a blessing for me!

  1. Hogwarts: A Dream School
  2. Nostalgia: Living the Childhood Again.
  3. Solitude in Nature: Heaven!

There’s the thing that I’ve completed a year on the blog and on the other side, the world is mourning to the people passed away in the shocking terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. I don’t feel to celebrate the blog nor I believe it’s a thing which should be admired in the time of grief and one of our darkest days on earth. As the world strictly condemn the attack, we must stand up united above all religions to fight against terrorism. Terrorism isn’t sorrow or grief, it’s depression which needs to be treated well and there’s no doubt the world holds all the power to eradicate it from its extent!
Prayers to God for the victims of Christchurch terror attack in New Zealand and Pulwama terror attack in J&K, India. May their soul rest in peace. Condolences to their families. Deepest sympathy.

Image: Google
Thanks for reading the post.

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