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Solitude leads me to flow in nostalgia sometimes. Beautiful childhood, jocular school days, high-school crush, sharp teachers’ stupid punishments, insane college days, mischievousness at backbenches, stimulating group bunks, love at first sight, entrance exams, struggle made to achieve a good score and all those things that got me euphoric to believe that life is bliss.… Continue reading Serendipity

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A Backbencher’s Notebook: The Last Year of High School. (Part 2)

The second year of high school was the last year of school life and was more amusing and sprightlier than the first one. The year kicked off with bunking the school as usual and we didn't even get the sense that we were going to have the board exams (the most crucial in school life)… Continue reading A Backbencher’s Notebook: The Last Year of High School. (Part 2)

#memories · Discover Daily · Uncategorised

A Backbencher’s Notebook: The First Year of High School. (Part 1)

Sometimes in life, I get my mind wander off to the high school days and for just a few minutes I would start recalling back all the great memories of the school. The two years of high school was such time in our life that we enjoyed relentlessly and infinitely. For the two years, none… Continue reading A Backbencher’s Notebook: The First Year of High School. (Part 1)

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Don’t Let Anyone Ever Disturb You!

A little Journey from Don't Disturb Me to You Can't Disturb Me.   In our daily life, we all have surrounded by the sounds and echoes that usually we hate them to get around ears. We all tend to listen to them despite the strong disapproval of our minds. But sometimes those echoes take hold… Continue reading Don’t Let Anyone Ever Disturb You!

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Hogwarts: A Dream School

“We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.” Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress I can't believe this is… Continue reading Hogwarts: A Dream School

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3 AM: Deep Unforgettable and Infinite Conversations

We used to sit there at the riverside eating our favorite food, drinking our favorite soft drink and having deep ceaseless conversations by midnight. Once a week it was always our favourite day never mind if it was the worst day of our life! Because we knew at the end of the day we will… Continue reading 3 AM: Deep Unforgettable and Infinite Conversations